Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fiscally Miffed…How to Invest in 2013  Depends on YOU! …The U.S. is the Best Country in the World!...Beware the Risks in Bonds.

By: Jay D. Ahlbeck, CLU, ChFC

What Just Happened on Capitol Hill? On November 28, 2012 I wrote “Do not be surprised if Democrats and Republicans hold hands and jump off the “fiscal cliff” together…It makes political sense.”  True to form a deal was made on January 1, 2013 after provisions of the fiscal cliff went into effect.

Technically, despite what you may read, the agreement has no new taxes because it was executed after rates automatically went up on January first.  Hence, it avoids the major Republican bugaboo of new taxes. 

Remember George Bush the elder and “read my lips”?  All politicians do.

Yes, families with income over $450,000 will pay higher taxes but they are the exact taxes that automatically went into effect on January 1, 2013.  While the agreement provides 99% of the country a tax reduction, those that earn $450,000 and above (400,000 for individuals) received no change in the rate that went into effect on January 1, 2013.  You can bet that Republicans will go home and claim they did not vote for any new taxes and reduced taxes on 99% of the country and the Democrats will also claim victory having raised taxes on the top 1% as they said they would. Although contradictory, both statements will be technically correct.  

Markets are delighted that Congress was able to agree on anything and that the possibility of complete inaction and chaos has been removed.

Although the deal did clarify important tax issues, the real big and difficult challenges have once again been kicked down the road for another day (national debt, tax reform, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare reforms are the true challenges ahead). Next stop, the “debt ceiling” debate.  

If You Need to Take Risk Get Off the Sidelines and Place Your Bets! The global economy is fragile, many things remain crooked, uncertainty reigns supreme, but that is all currently being trumped by global stimulus.

Massive and unprecedented amounts of money continue to be printed by central banks and are flooding the financial system with cash (i.e. liquidity). All that money has to go somewhere. Stocks, real estate, commodities are all likely beneficiaries, but this is a grand manipulation and in some sense not “real”.

It is often said, “do not fight the Fed.” and the Fed. is purposely making it painful to hold low risk assets.  Park your money in bank CDs or US Treasuries and your real return (after inflation) will be negative. 

All the liquidity sloshing around the world can rush into and out of any asset in the short-term, but as long as the Fed. continues to push $85 billion of new money into the markets each month the trend for many asset will almost certainly be up. Rising tides of liquidity raise all ships.  Asset prices are going up because the U.S. Federal reserve says so.  Until the Fed. reverses course, or until all this money printing backfires it is hard to see what will stop asset prices from trending upward.

The U.S. is the Best Country in the World! Right now it looks as though the United States may win the financial crisis.  Being the least dirty shirt may not be reason for celebration, but many around the world today envy what we view as a tepid 2.5% projected GDP growth. Although Europe has avoided, for now, a financial collapse the relative health of their financial system has not translated into economic health on “Main Street”.  O% GDP growth and high unemployment is discouraging the people of Europe while here in the U.S. we can point to glimmers of hope.

We need to protect what continues to make this country so great.  Many of the best and the brightest around the world still want to bring their families and their talents to the United States and make a go of it. Yes the story of the United States is a story of immigration. 

The United States, at it’s founding, was the first country in the world not to have an official religion.  Religious tolerance continues to set us apart.

What makes our justice system so great is not that it guarantees justice, but that it gives everyone a chance at justice. People are drawn to a country based on the rule of law.

Our economic system of innovation and opportunity is possibly the greatest asset of all.  Anywhere in the world, if you want to bet on your own future, the United States continues to be the place to be. 

These attributes make the foundation of the American Dream and what we all want to pass down to our children and grandchildren.  We want a country and economic system built on integrity that rewards hard work and ingenuity.

As we begin the New Year with great hope for the future let’s focus our efforts on what makes this country great.  Our traditions of immigration, religious tolerance, rule of law, and a fair and equitable economic system all need to be re-enforced and strengthened. If we allow these distinguishing factors to deteriorate we lose the American DNA.

Beware of Bonds. Retail investors have shifted away from stocks and indiscriminately piled into bonds, often chasing safety and yield.  Rising interest rates hurt Bond values.  The Federal Reserve today holds rates artificially low.  Rates have trended lower for over 20 years. Despite being viewed by many as low risk bonds are likely riskier than stocks right now.  Beware of bonds.